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List of dermatologists in Kigali

Updated: Jun 16

Are you trying to find the best dermatologists in Rwanda but are having trouble finding one? No need to search any further—we've got you covered!

We'll give you helpful advice and ideas on how to locate a dermatologist in Kigali who can expertly and compassionately handle your skincare needs. Our list of dermatologists in Kigali can assist you in making an informed decision, whether you're looking for general dermatological services or treatment for a specific skin disease. With the help of our list of the best dermatologists, you may find your way to happier, healthier skin.

Below are Dermatologist who would be able to help you:

  • Dermatologists located at Advanced medical diagnostics clinic LTD

Dr AMANI UWAJENI Alice; Head of Dermatovenereology Unit Tel: 0781 118 354

  • Dermatologist located at KFH (King Faisal Hospital)

Dr. Emmanuel KANIMBA

  • Dermatologists at Rwanda Military Hospital

Head of Department:

- Col Dr Jean Chrysostome KAGIMBANA

  • Dermatologists at Kigali Dermatology Center

-Dr Sada UWASE


Tel: +250 782 742 943

  • Dermatologist at Polyclinique du Plateau

Dr Jeanne Kimonyo

Tel: +250 788 305 857

  • Dermatologist at Dermatology clinic


Tel: +250 789 329 422

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